
Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Galway Bay Showcase

On the 29th of January 30 pupils from St. Oliver Plunkett N.S went to the Galway Bay and presented their finding on the effects of microbeads have on our marine life. They listened to guest speakers talk about the wonders of the ocean and why we need to take care of them. They also spoke and presented their finding to pupils from all across Ireland, teachers and governement authorities. They spoke passionately and with great knowledge about their topics. Well sone to all the pupils for their hard work.

Hereis our project stand. 

Microbeads-'beart the Microbead'

In preperation for our project showcase in the Galway Bay on Microbeads, we invited all the cpupils from 1st to 6th class into our room.We showed themall the fantstic research and materials we have createdtocomplete our project.Eac pupil had to tell the classes about a different asspect of our project. The fifth Class really enjoyed informing all the pupils about all the information they have gained. They now hope to create more products for the school which are 100% microbead free. They showed the video in thlink below to teach the pupils more about microbeads. Click on the links below for more info: